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März 2023


Beratung zweier neu gewonnener Grosskunden in der industriellen Lebensmittelherstellung in Nordamerika. Die Vakuumkühlung etabliert sich weiter auf dem Nordamerikanischen Kontinent. 

P. Duss

August 2022

Erfolgreicher Abschluss eines Stiftungsratsmandats in einer betriebseigenen Pensionskasse

B. Duss

Are you looking for expert guidance in marketing and management consulting? Look no further than Avenidas Ltd, a trusted name in the industry for over two decades.


With an exceptional track record of international successes, our team at Avenidas Ltd has partnered with renowned companies such as Eastman Kodak, region Europe, Blumenbüro Holland, Swiss Florist-Association, and many more. We have helped these industry leaders achieve remarkable results in their marketing strategies.

Our expertise extends across diverse sectors, including the global bakery industry. Our insights have enabled businesses to thrive and reach new heights.

Avenidas Ltd's experience expands beyond these realms, having collaborated with the esteemed Verhoeven Family of Companies, Logouhren.de, Melansol Sunscreen, and Breil Pure Gin. We have honed our knowledge in various industries to provide tailored solutions to each unique business challenge.

Our team of seasoned professionals possesses an in-depth understanding of marketing dynamics, consumer behavior, and growth strategies. We work closely with our clients to develop effective marketing plans, ensuring maximum ROI and market share expansion.

At Avenidas Ltd, we believe that success comes from a strong partnership. We go beyond consulting and strive to foster lasting relationships with our clients. Our commitment to your success is unwavering.

Are you ready to take your marketing efforts to the next level? Contact Avenidas Ltd today to unlock new possibilities for your business. Experience international success with a trusted partner by your side.




We are a leader in the area of ​​process consulting for industrial food production.

Decades of experience in operational and strategic HR management make us a competent partner in interim management or HR project management. 

Avenidas verfügt über eine Vielzahl von Beteiligungen in verschiedenen Branchen. Das Entwickeln und Weiterbringen von Unternehmen und der bewussten Übernahme von Verantwortung zählt zu unseren Stärken.

Patrick R. DussPatrick R. Duss

Patrick R. Duss: Fundiertes Knowhow in der Unternehmensführung, Sales & Marketing, Food Processing wie auch Engineering. Consulting weltweit in mehr als 68 Länden. 

Bianca S. DussBianca S. Duss

Bianca S. Duss: Langjährige Erfahrung im strategischen wie auch operativen HR Management im nationalen wie auch internationalen Bereich in verschiedenen Branchen. Master Human Resources, ZHAW.